Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Warming Box and supplies.

The following supplies for a warming box.

Plastic storage box 25" x 18" x 7" cut a hole in one of the sides so you can pull the cord for the heating pad.
Heating pad about 12" x 15". Very important to keep heating pad on half of the bottom of the Plastic storage box. This way the puppies can get off the heating pad if they get to hot. Always use the lowest setting on the heating pad and check the temperature of the box. Overheating the puppies is as dangerous as allowing them to become chilled.
Thermometer to check temperature of warming box.
Bumpered crate pad 24" x 18" or small dog bed or towels with four small towels rolled up for the sides.
White wash clothes to dry puppies off. The more the better so each puppy will have 2 or 3 each.
Bulb syringe, small one for toy breeds, medium and large for larger puppies.
Prepared milk substitute.
Pedialyte (unflavored) for electrolyte replacement.
Cord care supplies: Betadine, dental floss, cotton balls and surgical scissors.
Puppy pads(incontinence pads) 36" x 36".

Place all the items in the box having it ready. When she starts her labor plug in the heating pad at the lowest setting. This way the wash clothes and pads are nice and warm for the new puppies.

Other supplies to have for a intensive care.
Feeding tubes, size 8 French is a good size for most puppies, a 10 French for larger puppies.
Syringes for using the Feeding tubes.
Black felt tipped marker to mark the feeding tubes.
I.V. fluids(Lactated Ringers).
Syringes and needles for sub-cutaneous hydration with 20-22 gauge.(I like to use a 25 gauge with toy puppies.
Rectal thermometer for checking temperatures on puppies.
Latex gloves use to handle sick puppies, always wash your hands and change your gloves before picking up another puppy.
Oxygen regulator.
Oxygen tank full and ready.