Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Your new puppy

The Foundations of Training 

The first months of a puppy life pass quickly that before you know it, your puppy is full-grown.
 From the time your puppy comes home to six months of age your pup will grow three quarters of his/hers
adult size and pass through a series of developmental stages that have a strong effect on his/hers behavior.
 Do not let this time of growth find you unprepared. Understand how each period of development unfolds
 so this will allow you to anticipate your pup’s behavior and plan training that will work the best for
 puppy. You must learn to harmonize your handling of your pup with the stage of growth he or she has reached.
 This is the best way you will have a happy and well adjusted companion and best friend for life.

Fear/avoidance period(8-10 weeks)

Most puppies leave around 8 to 10 weeks old, the middle of the socialization period. Because of this new
owners often notice their puppy manifesting fear and avoidance shortly after they bring them home. This
 period of time 8 to 10 weeks is a normal part of socialization and is indirectly responsible for puppies
 bonding quickly with new owners. A puppy that experiences this touch of insecurity tends to seek the
presence of his new owner and will be happy to follow you around and stay by your side. With this close
 contact he or she will start to grow his self-confidence so when he or she  starts the next period of
life(10 to 12 weeks) he will act more like a little adult dog. This is a time that should be enjoyable
for both you and your pup. He or she will learn quickly but still looks upon you as the central figure
 in his or hers life. He learns quickly, yet looks upon you  as the central figure in his life.  This
is a good time to work on socializing your puppy with friends. Invite friends and neighbors to your house
 to meet your puppy. Let your friends know what to do ahead of time. Tell them when they come in to crouch
 down  to great your puppy, praising him in a pleasant voice and give him a treat when he is good and not
barking. This way your puppy will learn a door bell means good treats and that  if he barks he will not get
 a treat.
Also, take short trips around the neighborhood so he will be use to the car ride. Take him for walks or to
 a dog park. Remember not to take him until he is fully immunized.  Providing your pup with new experiences
 will make his confidence grow and a healthy attitude towards life.
At this age your puppy has a short attention span and requires plenty of patience but he is still capable
 of learning some basic obedience training from short training lessons that are kept positive and fun.

This is a great time to start using a clicker for training with treats.

The Foundations of Training 

The first months of a puppy life pass quickly that before you know it, your puppy is full-grown.
 From the time your puppy comes home to six months of age your pup will grow three quarters of his/hers
adult size and pass through a series of developmental stages that have a strong effect on his/hers behavior.
 Do not let this time of growth find you unprepared. Understand how each period of development unfolds
 so this will allow you to anticipate your pup’s behavior and plan training that will work the best for
 puppy. You must learn to harmonize your handling of your pup with the stage of growth he or she has reached.
 This is the best way you will have a happy and well adjusted companion and best friend for life.

Fear/avoidance period(8-10 weeks)

Most puppies leave around 8 to 10 weeks old, the middle of the socialization period. Because of this new
owners often notice their puppy manifesting fear and avoidance shortly after they bring them home. This
 period of time 8 to 10 weeks is a normal part of socialization and is indirectly responsible for puppies
 bonding quickly with new owners. A puppy that experiences this touch of insecurity tends to seek the
presence of his new owner and will be happy to follow you around and stay by your side. With this close
 contact he or she will start to grow his self-confidence so when he or she  starts the next period of
life(10 to 12 weeks) he will act more like a little adult dog. This is a time that should be enjoyable
for both you and your pup. He or she will learn quickly but still looks upon you as the central figure
 in his or hers life. He learns quickly, yet looks upon you  as the central figure in his life.  This
is a good time to work on socializing your puppy with friends. Invite friends and neighbors to your house
 to meet your puppy. Let your friends know what to do ahead of time. Tell them when they come in to crouch
 down  to great your puppy, praising him in a pleasant voice and give him a treat when he is good and not
barking. This way your puppy will learn a door bell means good treats and that  if he barks he will not get
 a treat.
Also, take short trips around the neighborhood so he will be use to the car ride. Take him for walks or to
 a dog park. Remember not to take him until he is fully immunized.  Providing your pup with new experiences
 will make his confidence grow and a healthy attitude towards life.
At this age your puppy has a short attention span and requires plenty of patience but he is still capable
 of learning some basic obedience training from short training lessons that are kept positive and fun.

This is a great time to start using a clicker for training with treats.